Urban Wine Brokers
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(c) urban wine brokers
site by suzanne lavallee


​Jean-Michel Jussiaume was born in the town of Nantes in western France and raised in the
Loire Valley commune of Le Loroux-Bottereau where his family’s estate is located. The family
produces Muscadet under the label, Domaine de Guerande and Jean-Michel’s early life
revolved around all things Muscadet. After attending school for Viticulture and Oenology,
JM accepted internships in Anjou, Beaujolais, Languedoc, Armagnac and Margaux and in
2005, JM came to the states where, in 2008 he accepted the winemaking position at Del Rio
Vineyards in the Rogue Valley of Oregon. It was in this southern Oregon vineyard where JM
found the perfect blocks of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir to start Maison Jussiaume with the
2015 Blanc de Blanc. Today, Jean-Michel makes three cuvees under the MJ label, two of
which are sold strictly DTC, and a third, the original Blanc de Blanc, that we are honored to
represent here in California.