Urban Wine Brokers
what we do
the crew
talk to us
(c) urban wine brokers
site by suzanne lavallee


Laura and Kyle Gabriel met in film school in Boston and immediately bonded over their love
of sharing great food and wine with friends. Several years later, after working in the film
and music industry in Los Angeles by day and exploring home brewing and new wines regions
by night, the concept of Paper Planes was born over a LA dinner party. In 2014 they
crowdfunded to launch Paper Planes with just twelve thousand dollars. After their first harvest,
they were hooked. They quit their jobs, moved to Napa, and dove into the wine business.
Today they make just over 600 cases total : a crisp Rose of Pinot, Pinot Noir from
Russian River and minuscule amounts of Nero D’Avola and Valdiguie from Suisun Valley.
707 495 4858