Urban Wine Brokers
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(c) urban wine brokers
site by suzanne lavallee
Thomas Rivers Brown, along with his partner Genevieve Marie Welsh are the principles behind
Rivers Marie. Thomas, arguably the most “in demand” winemaker in the industry, produces
Pinot Noir from both Anderson Valley (Bearwallow Vnyd.) and the Sonoma Coast
(Summa, Silver Eagle, Occidental Ridge Vnyds.), Chardonnay from both Anderson Valley
(Bearwallow Vnyd.) and Sonoma Coast (Joy Road, Theriot Vnyds.) and Cabernet from Napa
Valley (Herb Lamb, Larkmead, Lore and Panek vineyards) under his own label. In addition,
there are appellation designated blends for each varietal that are some of the best values in
the market. This is a “must have” producer.